Sinking In

"Then he added, "Son of Man, let all my words sink down into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then, go to your people and say to them, "This is what the sovereign Lord says!" Do this whether they listen to you or not." (Ezekiel 3:10-11 NLT)

Years ago, when my kiddos were still in my daily care, I remember reading Ann Voskamp’s words: we must self-parent first. We are wholly unprepared to parent our little people until we’ve learned to parent our own hearts. God’s words to Ezekiel are oh-so similar. We must let the truth of God sink into our flesh first, before we can take His truth to others.

I suppose it’s true of pastoring, as well. We must self-pastor before we attempt to pastor others. We are useless in the task of shepherding unless we’ve been shepherded ourselves.

So the question begs to be asked: how do we let God’s word sink down deep?

Read it; we cannot recall what we haven’t first encountered.

Mediate on it; sit with God’s word. The longer we spend with it, the more it reveals.

Memorize it; work the word into the folds of our heart. Allow it to permeate our being and be able to recall it quickly.

Mute other voices; silence and solitude help us hear and appreciate God’s word more. It’s tough to hear Him amid the din of the world.

Repeat it; once the word of God has gone down deep into us, we can’t help but live it publicly. We do so knowing full well we’ll experience rejection. Expect it. People aren’t rejecting us as much as they are rejecting God. And they have been doing that since the beginning of time. Don’t be offended and don’t be deterred.

"I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You." (Psalm 119:11 NLT)

Lord, we want to lead others when we are still struggling to lead ourselves. Your word brings our wrestle to light. May we cooperate with Your leadership, listening and applying until our flesh complies. Let Your truth sink in deep. Amen.

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