
“For You have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. From birth I have relied on You; You have brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise You. I have become a sign to many; You are my strong refuge.” (Psalm 71:5-7 NIV)

Before I opened the Word today, I was Already thinking how rare it is to find people unwavering in their commitment to Christ following. It seems like humans tend to move through seasons; their loyalty and devotion ebbs and flows with their circumstance.

Over the years, I’ve known many who gave way to God in a strong initial growth burst. They sprang to life with joy, green up like seed after a rain on rocky ground. But without a strong root system, they withered and shriveled in a short time. Their total devotion sputtered and died in a matter of weeks or months.

I’ve also know folks who have rediscovered the Lord amidst hardship. Crisis crashed through their front door and they grasped for God like an oxygen mask on an airplane. In their pain, they discovered the comfort and help of a daily devotional habit. And then their crisis resolved and they slid back to their old ways of living; independent from the divine almost altogether.

Why is consistency so challenging for the believer? Why do we struggle to show up hungry for God each and every day? Perhaps this is a hint at the crucial nature of maintaining such a relationship: we have to fight so hard to cultivate and protect it. We battle our flesh and distraction and the onslaught of the world. Yet, it is so rewarding when we win, when we stay the course with Christ over the long haul. Much like working out or eating right or sticking to a budget, we don’t feel the positive effects immediately; all we feel is the pain if muscles crying out against new use. We must press past this initial discomfort; we find benefits on the other side of disuse.

Yes, it is a rare thing to find the consistent Christ-follower, someone who is committed to sure, steady growth. But these few and far between people stand as signposts of heaven, their very lives pointing others in the direction of Christ.

“Set up road signs; put up guide posts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take…” (Jeremiah 37:21 NIV)

Lord, make us signposts! We long to be sure-footed in faith, totally convinced of Your sovereignty and absolutely surrendered to Your purpose. Make us steadfast as only Your Spirit can transform our flesh. Amen.

2 Replies to “Signposts”

  1. I can relate to this post. I’m always thinking about God and continually praying but I slack at really spending quality time with Him.
    When I need him I start a new devotional but when the crisis is over I go back to my lazy ways.
    This article opened my eyes to know the continuing walk with Him is more satisfying then then the momentary steps.

    1. Consistency is difficult for us as humans, isn’t it? I think it makes the faithfulness of God all the more extraordinary! Praying you overcome the drift, my friend!

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