“I have removed the burden from their shoulders, their hands were set free from the basket.”
(Psalm 81:6 NIV)
Jesus sets us free from the heavy burden of our own righteousness. His love and goodness allows us to set down the basket of effort: of doing it in our own strength. With hands finally free of this impossible burden, we instead can lift them in praise. We can finally, fully walk in worship.
“Sing for joy to God our strength; shout aloud to the God of Jacob! Begin the music, shake the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre.” (Psalm 81:1-2 NIV)

As God removed the basket of slavery from the Israelites, He has removed the basket of sin from us. This alone is reason enough to shout and sing. Not mere hums of hymns, but lusty choruses of praise and thanks. His intervention, His alleviation is reason enough to raise our voices for always. When the burdens of life fill your grasp and weigh down your soul, remember this psalm. “their hands were set free from the basket.” Our greatest been has already been lifted. How will He not also deal with today’s minor load? Lift up your voice in song and find renewed strength in God. Let Him help carry your burden. He is able. He is willing. He is quite literally dying to come near and be of service to our soul.
“In your distress you called and I rescued you.” (Psalm 81:7 NIV)
Lord, we are so grateful for Your deliverance. When life gets heavy, grab hold of our basket again and reminds of Your intervention. Forgive us for lifting the load on our own. We hand it to you and instead lift our voices in song. You deserve all the glory forever and ever. Amen.