Seeing the Counselor

"And He shall be called; Wonderful Counselor," (Isaiah 9:6 NLT)

I know historically the word counselor means legal representation, and of course, this is true of Christ. He has taken it upon Himself to represent us in our trial of trespass. We are guilty, yet He has paid our fine in full.

Today I consider counselor in its modern interpretation; a professional who is trained to listen and give wise counsel. I have visited with a Christian counselor during several pivotal seasons of my life. Counselors are invaluable tools when it comes to healing and growth. In the months between impact and resolution, it’s helpful to see someone to aid in sorting it all out. Jesus offers Himself in this role to us.

A counselor is helpful in any stretch of life. It’s a blessing to have someone calmly persuading us not to panic as we pour out our problems. Someone pointing out God’s past performance record (which remains flawless to date). Someone patiently offering the gift of perspective: it won’t always be like this.

Unlike a human counselor who can only listen, Jesus can actually intervene. He can move mountains and part seas. He can produce oil from near-empty jars and make donkeys speak. Perhaps most miraculous of all; He can move men’s hearts.

When we rest on the proverbial couch of Christ’s practice, we invite His presence into all the corners of our story. In yielding to His companionship, we access His perspective, power and peace. He gives rock-solid insight.

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and also trust in Me." (John 14:1 NLT)

We ‘let’ our hearts be troubled when we fail to take them into the Lord’s presence. When we trust our own intellect and agenda. When we keep our cards close to our test and we go it alone.

We untrouble our hearts when we knock instead on the door of heaven, when we enter the space where Christ abides. When we disarm and rest in His healing presence. When we choose to bow under His yoke instead of the ill-fitting contraption we’ve constructed.

Lord, please forgive us for going alone. Today we see You as Counselor; loving, listening, asking questions and leading toward truth. You are more than qualified as Healer and Redeemer. Help us slow our souls to sit on the couch of Your presence, cooperative under Your care and tutelage. Amen.

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