Seeing God Amidst Our Story

“How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way of peace… You did not recognize it when God visited you.” (Luke 19:41, 44 CEV)

Jesus was speaking of Jerusalem, He was weeping over the city and their inability to receive Him. Jerusalem should have seen Jesus. If God’s people had been rightly revering God’s Word rightly and watching for a Savior, if they had been attune to the presence of God on earth; they would have recognized Him as Lord rather than crucifying Him as a criminal.

Jerusalem’s inattention came at a tremendous cost. In a few short years, the city would be surrounded by the enemy and invaded. Enemy ramparts would scale the walls and breach the city. Rome’s re-occupation would be devastating; the Temple and her people ransacked. The saddest part is that the destruction was all together avoidable. If Jerusalem had trusted God enough to see Him in their story, it could have gone another way.

If you look up and around, where might you find God today?

What about us? Do we see Jesus in our story? Do we rightly recognize Him as the Son of God, Messiah-Savior? Or do we, too, make unholy alliances with lesser authorities and thus submit our selves to the sin-stained consequences?

Don’t miss this: our inattention to the things of God causes Jesus great sorrow. He wept over the state of things in the holy city and He will weep over us if we neglect Him.

It may be difficult for us to initially identify the presence of God in our day to day circumstances; but ask for His assistance in this critical task. Pay attention and strain to see. God is in our midst. He walks with us and affords us His wisdom through the Word. His Holy Spirit nudges us alone in a gentle but effective leading. We don’t have to make deals with the enemy to supply our needs. Our God has already promised to take them upon Himself. Trust may initially feel like more work, but the longer we walk in faith, the less taxing it becomes. Remember, when we are walking with Jesus, we are walking toward freedom. Stay the course: He is worth everything we might surrender and far, far, more.

“You protected me from death and kept me from stumbling, so that I would please You and follow the light that leads to life.” (Psalm 56:13 CEV)

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and I’ll show you how to recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11: 29-30 MSG)

Lord, we’re so grateful for eyes to see you in the midst of our ordinary lives. Please help us stay attune: so many lesser things vie for our attention and affection. Just as Jerusalem lost their way, we too, are prone to wander. Please forgive us for our spiritual ADD and teach us to keep our eyes trained on You, scouting for your glory on this earth. Help us stay in step as You lead the way through the trials and temptations of this temporary existence. Don’t let us miss you and surrender to the enemy in distraction and defeat. Amen.

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