Savior’s Day

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11 ESV)

This morning came begrudgingly, as it often does after a grief-filled evening. Sorrow sings the loudest in the wee hours and sleep typically evades when loss is fresh.

It was amidst my pre-coffee stumble – you know the moments between ‘brew’ and pour – that I noticed the handcrafted advent calendar. It’s a lasting gift from my daughter. She fashioned it a few years ago, in the extravagant paper-crafting tradition of my mother. I flipped it to the new day rather absentmindedly and was suddenly awake with it’s truth.

“Today is the Savior’s day.”

My thoughts fell back to a previous children’s production; little voices proclaiming the Rend Collective carol. The chorus of innocent voices repeating the glory-show of heaven. Today isn’t about presents or food or time off or even family and friends. Those are all good things, but ultimately, Christmas is about Christ, first and foremost and forever. Everything else takes a lesser yet lovely second slot.

This is such a great reminder for me this morning, as half my kiddos have already made the commute back to their regular lives. Rob and I are in a strange season: not quite adult children come in and out of our story with infrequency. They have plans and commitments of their own – as they should. Moms and Dads can be stubborn and demanding or we can choose to be gracious and accommodating. After an embarrassing amount of internal debate, I have landed at gracious. We are intentionally creating an environment that our kids want to come home to; wherever and whatever that looks like.

This little paper and paste calendar reminded me anew: today is still the Savior’s Day. Maybe you need to hear that, too, if you are in an empty house or lamenting an empty chair or maybe the emptiness is deeper still. These five words are a powerful perspective changer this Christmas. Today is the Savior’s day and because He became incarnate, everything is different. We are hurling toward an altogether different ending and one day we will all be Home for Christmas.

“For to us a child is born, a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6 ESV)

Dear Lord, today we celebrate You. We are so grateful for Your birth, Your miraculous intervention on our behalf. Our whole world is different because You are in it. May we celebrate the gift of Your presence no matter our circumstances. Amen.

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