Right Paths

“He guides me along right paths for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3 NIV)

Sometimes I look at my path and I glance and the perceived path of others and I get a little discouraged. I know we aren’t supposed to compare and I earnestly try to guard against comparison. Still, I haven’t quite learned how to live with blinders on. I still see the lives of people around me and note that mine is a bit different.

David reminds us that the path God picks for us is the right path for His name’s sake. Meaning, the further we go along this path: the more glory He gets. This is the path that promotes the gospel most fully in our story.

I think of John the Baptist. Talk about an uncomfortable, uncommon life! John lived way outside the lines. Why? Because he was completely committed to make God famous from the confines of his one, ordinary existence. He stated it himself:

“He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30 NIV)

The path that God designates for us is the path that exalts Him the most. It is the right path to bring about His purpose: even if it’s uncommon, uncomfortable and inconsistent with the paths of people around us.

“Your will make known to me the path of life.” (Psalm 16:11 NIV)

O God, we are so glad that Your path is better than our path. We trust Your plans for our existence, even when they are uncommon and uncomfortable. We long to live in a way that honors You. Be made famous through our story as we decrease for Your glory. Amen.

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