Retrieving Previous Information

"Then they remembered that He had said this." (Luke 24:8 NLT)

In the aftermath of the crucifixion, the women of Jesus had waded through silent Saturday, stilled by the law, wrecked in their grief. When Sunday morning finally came, they went straight to the tomb, ready to serve their Savior’s needs one last time. But the resurrection had already happened. His body was not there. Angels stood in His stead and spoke impossible truth to a grief-struck audience.

And then they remembered. The lightbulb went off as the angels explanation matched up with previous information. They had not understood Jesus’ words about death and resurrection at initial reception, but standing in an empty tomb attended by angels: His teaching suddenly made sense. The ladies didn’t have to believe the angelic report, they only had to recall their Teacher’s previous lesson!

The thing of it is; we can only retrieve what we’ve already received. These women could rolodex through their time with Jesus and retrieve His previous teaching because they had been there. They had sat at His feet, investing time and attention in His presence. Their diligence and devotion awarded them real-time understanding.

This principle holds water for us, as well. We can only remember what we’ve previously received. Time in Jesus’ presence, receiving His word – even the word we don’t quite yet comprehend – prepares us to retrieve those same words when we need them most.

"Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listing to what He taught." (Luke 10:39 NLT)

Lord, may we be faithful to sit in Your presence and study Your word. Help us hide it in our hearts, even the parts we don’t yet understand. We trust the process: steady sowing will eventually allow for comprehension. Help us cooperate with Your good plans by preparing our heart during our times together. Amen.

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