“The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as He had sworn to their ancestors. Not one of their enemies withstood them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hands. Not one of the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed: every one was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:44-45 NIV)
Israel finally occupied the land. The cities and the villages and the pastures had been carefully doled out to each of the twelve tribes and it was time to rest and enjoy the goodness of God. Every promise He had made to His people was fulfilled.
I don’t want to rush past this, I want to revel in it. Imagine, after forty-one years of wandering and how many more years of fighting, the nation of Israel was ready and able to rest in God’s goodness.
You and I are still in the wilderness and in the warring, my friend. But we can grab on to this scripture and know that one day soon, rest will come. By death or by rapture, we’ll be gathered up with our people and placed in a land with rest on every side. A land where every one of God’s promises have already come to pass.
I picture that place often, it is the carrot that keeps me moving forward. One day soon, wandering will end. Warring will cease. My soul will find it’s deepest peace. Until then, I engage in today with full focus and effort in Kingdom direction.
“But they were longing for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.” (Hebrews 11:16 NIV)
It’s okay, even highly encouraged, to spend significant time here on earth longing for heaven. I long for a place of rest on every side but I also long for relationships unmarred by sin. Imagine it with me, brothers and sisters without jealousies, pride, backbiting or infighting. Think with me about approaching the throne of God without any sort of sin in our ledger, without offense to repel us. Picture a landscape unhindered by the Fall: a garden utterly absent of dust, mold or decay, free from blight and brokenness. Let all those thoughts steep your belief in and longing for the life in Christ that is yet to come.
Lord, we read of the Israelites and the rest they experience and it spurns ur hope for heaven. we want to be Your people, living in Your country, with You as our King. Please invade our hearts with heaven, make it real in our minds. Strengthen us as we wander and war here below, slowly making our way Home. Amen.