Repeating Themes

“Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.” (Joshua 8:1 NIV)

Maybe rule one in personal bible study is paying attention to what’s repeated. If it’s repeated, it’s important. As we are traipsing through the life and ministry of Joshua, we see God repeats a theme over and over again in Joshua’s story. These words, or some variation of them, are said over and over again to Joshua or through him, throughout his lifetime of service.

Exodus 14:13 – As the Israelites are leaving Egypt.
Numbers 14:9 – When Joshua tries to convince his people about Canaan.
Deuteronomy 1:21 – As the spies are sent into Canaan the first time.
Deuteronomy 31:6 – When Moses passes the mantle of leadership to Joshua.
Joshua 1:6,7,9,18 – At Joshua’s installation service.
Joshua 8:1 – Before the battle of Ai, where they’d already been whooped.

Remains of the ancient city of Ai.

Over and over again, God solidified the message of courage and strength in Joshua’s life. It makes me wonder how Joshua started out in his story, if he perhaps struggled with fear and weakness in his first few years on the planet? So often God takes our area of greatest struggle and shows Himself capable and strong on our behalf for Kingdom benefit.

Young Joshua stepped out of Egypt under the banner of these words; “Do not be afraid, stand firm.” and he continued to hold fast to them for sixty or more years, until the land of Canaan was captured completely. These six words framed out his entire life and ministry; as he spied on foreign soil and as he served in Moses shadow and even when he accepted the mantle of leadership himself. He stepped into that office at age eighty, with a tremendous task ahead of him. And he, with great confidence in the Lord’s promises, shook the Israelites from the land like dust from a carpet. Over and over, Joshua reminded himself and others to be strong and take courage. The Lord was with them and He would surely fulfill His promises to His people if they did their part. It’s inspiring to see how God’s repeated message to Joshua was custom-fit to his ministry.

What about you? Have you walked with God long enough to note a repeated theme? Has God whispered a word in your ear at every crossroads and crisis? Is there a particular text that chases you down throughout scripture? Pay attention, it is likely tailor-made to your story, packed with power for your unique purpose, and divinely designed reinforcement for your greatest weakness.

Lord, thank You for speaking in our story. Help us identify reoccurring themes. May scripture stand out in our hearts. Speak to our weakness and make it an area of strength as only You can. Help us hear from You, especially the things that are repeated. Reveal our purpose as we listen and follow You closely all the days of our life. Amen.

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