Outside the Conversation

“And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.” (Mark 9:4 NIV)

There are conversations that God has that we can’t contribute. We see it here – Peter tried to butt in, but doesn’t seem to illicit a response – but also in Job’s story. The reality is that God is having a conversation in heaven about us without us and it’s His business. We can be offended or we can be encouraged.

Mural in the Church of Transfiguration, Mount Tabor.
Portrays the heavenly conversation; note the far removed placement of the disciples.


Once I was asked to participate in a presbytery meeting. I was told I could observe, but not vote. The idea was including potential leadership in the decision-making process of actual leadership for the sake of organizational congruity and growth. I wonder if this wasn’t God’s heart in Peter, James and John’s observation of the Transfiguration and follow-up forum?

There are three things to keep in mind as we consider this divine and closed conversation: God is good. God is sovereign. And we can trust Him.

God is good. We see this over and over in scripture. It is His very nature; everything He does is good and His ideal of good is so much purer and truer than ours.

God is sovereign; in both senses of the word. He possesses ultimate power AND He is supreme ruler. We are subject to Him. Beloved, but subject.

We can trust Him. God’s track record for those who trust Him is flawless. If we only tallied earthly accounts, we may feel wanting, but we must remember His record extends far beyond this reality. Plenty of people died without receiving the fullness of His promises, but life is just the preface. The real story is still unfolding. If it doesn’t happen here and now, it still will. I’m beginning to believe that so many of our aspirations are set aside for heavenly realization. I think of my mother who went home with a thousand longings left in her heart; I believe she’ll attain each and every one on the other side of eternity.

I love Dr. George Wood’s perspective on this text:

“What a moment this must have been for Moses. Fourteen hundred years earlier he had been denied entrance to the Promised Land. Now he stood in the land with the Son of God. Don’t worry if something doesn’t happen in your lifetime! God has all eternity to make it up to you!”

It’s okay that divine conversation happens over our heads because God is good, sovereign and completely trustworthy. He has our best interest – the totally restored state of our eternal soul – ever in mind.

“Those were all commented for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.” (Hebrews 11:39-40 NIV)

Hebrews 11 speaks of what we commonly call the Hall of Faith: recalling spiritual giants from the pages of of scripture. Some prevailed, some suffered, all were gathered up and now await the fullness of heaven. It seems that the sum of our stories will make heaven perfect – a perfect place occupied by perfected people living in right relationship with their perfect Father-King. Until then, if we occasionally stand outside the conversation, it’s okay. God is good. He is sovereign. And we can trust Him.

Lord, we know You have conversation without us. Help us reconcile our discomfort with Your good, sovereign nature. We can trust You as a child trusts a parent. You have us and You are carrying out plans for our best soul development. We rest in Your promises today, confident that heaven will, indeed, make amends for it all. Amen.

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