Opposition From Self

“Consider Him, who endured such opposition form sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3 NIV)

Yesterday our guest speaker shared out of Hebrews 11 and 12. There’s so much gold in these chapters. Today I returned to refresh myself on his thoughts. This verse is referring to our Savior. He had watched humanity’s story form heaven and came down to intervene, to fight for righteousness on our behalf. Verse 2 reminds us how He authors our faith (it’s an idea in His heart first, then painstakingly written into the pages of our narrative.) He is also the finisher of our faith. He’s working all things together towards a most satisfying ending.

When we are entangled, when we are tired from running and tripping, when we are ready to give up altogether – we consider Him. We recall the real grief that He endured: in death but in life also. He lived thirty-three years separated from His Father and an entire realm away from His home. Jesus stood perfect amidst a dirty and broken landscape. Imagine the childhood persecution He withstood? And then, as an adult, He was opposed by His immediate family and fellow Nazarenes, a dear friend, church leadership and the crowd. From the beginning of the gospels, we see the plot to murder Him, as early as Mark 3.

Despite all this, Jesus persevered to the cross. With supernatural sight He was able to look past it’s very present pain and push through toward the eventual joy of humanity restored to right relationship. When we are tired, when we are weary, when we are on the cusp of giving up, we consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners.

We are currently enduring opposition from sinners. But before we start pointing fingers at all the sinners in our stories, we first recognize that most of the time, the sinner is us.

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.” (1 Timothy 1:15-16 NIV)

It seems the greatest battles against evil take place under our own skin.

“There is in fact a civil war going on in my heart.” (Watchman Nee)

So much very much of the opposition we face is from within. Our beleoved pastor from Rob’s growing up years said it this way: “Ninety percent of the problems you face will be without the four chambers of your own heart.” He’s right, the desires within are the ones that threaten to tear us apart.

“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you?” (James 4:1 NIV)

Somehow, Jesus managed to subdue His flesh nature. He overcame opposition from sinners; He resisted the pull to become a sinner Himself. This is so hopeful for us because the same power that raised Him from the dead (physical death but also spiritual death) – the same power that successfully steered Him away from sin – it lives in us! We have the tools we need to succeed! Desire plus power equips us for Kingdom accomplishment.

With all the Hamilton music at my house these days, I’ve been thinking about the revolutionary war. How does a country overturn corrupt leadership? Prayer, passion and power. Let’s apply these same principles to the corrupt leadership vying for control of our soul. Prayer strengthens our passion. Passion ignites our power. And with these three entities we are poised to win victory over our most stubborn opposition: our self.

Lord, we are so grateful for Your example to look to. We are reminded, if You successfully navigated a sinless life, You can show us the way. We can sin less. Stoke our Kingdom passion today. Erupt in our souls with spiritual power. Make us victorious over our own worst enemy: our selves. Start with us and then revive our nation. Amen.

2 Replies to “Opposition From Self”

  1. It seems the greatest battles against evil take place under our own skin.

    “There is in fact a civil war going on in my heart.” (Watchman Nee)

    I love this – takes me to the very scripture that has been on my heart for a few weeks Romans 7:14-25

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