Open to Arguments

"Listen to what the Lord is saying: Stand up and state your case against Me. Let the mountains and hills be called witness to your complaints." (Micah 6:1 NLT)

We serve a God who is open to arguments. It’s astounding, really. He is willing to listen to us state our case: no matter how flawed our thinking may be. He does not turn us away our out. He invites us close enough to present our postulation. This is truly remarkable when we consider His holiness, His righteousness, His power and authority. He loves us enough to let us speak our minds, even when we’re misguided, mad and woefully incorrect.

We see this in Micah, but also in Job. With Nicodemus. Moses. Abraham. Jesus’ mother and the dwindling wine supply. Hezekiah and his failing heath. God remains open to our objections. And then, when we’ve said our piece, He speaks and sets souls straight.

I’m so glad for a God who lovingly engages in relationship. His heeds His own advice: quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to get angry. He listens with love and speaks with care, well aware of the power packed into each word. His compassion always exceeds His anger: He is quick to forgive and slow to condemn. What about us?

My many years with Mister Rogers have honed this principle: listening is the first step in loving. And here I see it in scripture. Our God expresses His love for humanity by first and foremost listening. He lets His people pour out their hearts and empty their souls before He speaks.

If God is this gracious with us (repeated offenders), then shouldn’t we extend the same sort of mercy to others?

"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." (James 1:19 NLT)
"Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have a right response for everyone." (Colossians 4:6 NLT)

Lord, thank You for hearing our case and offering mercy when we likely deserve judgement. How gracious You are! Help us learn from Your example and set out to listen in love. Give us great patience as we tend to our coworkers, our children, our spouse. Slow our mouths and unstop our ears as we learn to value souls as You do. Let our words be measured; seasoned with salt and accurately representative of Your Kingdom. Close our mouths when our flesh rises up. Open it as the Spirit leads. Let us love like You today. Amen.

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