Observing Sabbath for the Sake of Sanctification

"You shall surely observe my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know I am the Lord who sanctifies you." (Exodus 31:13 NASB 1995)

Sabbath is about rest, but it’s also about sanctification. God seeks to accomplish something in our stillness. Our hearts and minds and frames require quiet for the sake of reset, but also for reflection that leads to repentance and, ultimately, restoration.

A quiet moment in the Italian Alps.

We grate against this, don’t we? We live in a world that refuses to take a breath. We keep our souls preoccupied from waking thought to nodding off. Recent surveys reveal 61% of Americans fall asleep with the tv on and even more with their phone in their bed. It’s pretty concerning, as studies show these poor habits can contribute to an early death. Our culture runs from quiet like it’s lethal. What is this endless effort and entertainment doing to our soul?

God invites, even insists that His people set aside a day of rest; a day where we declare our complete dependency on Him. In this time of ordered repose, we discover provision, healing and companionship. It is in God’s presence where our transgressions become obvious. This is good, though, where else will we experience such conviction? Amidst relationship with our Creator, we can identify, confess and receive mercy. Apart from these opportunities, we could go on in our sin for months or years or even decades!

God requires Sabbath because it’s in our best interest. Humans were not crafted to work without ceasing or exist apart from their Creator Sustainer. Our frames wear out under the weight of sin. The human body functions best when it is wielded according to original design. God knows what we need. Will we comply?

"So the sons of Israel shall observe the Sabbath, to celebrate the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant." (Exodus 31:16 NASB 1995)

Lord, please forgive us for our aversion to rest. We see Your parameters for humanity clearly defined in scripture. Help us follow through with Your instructions. Give us the courage to sit in quiet and hear Your heart. Amen.

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