Not Forgotten

**I actually wrote this four years ago, but this morning it hit hard and I wanted to share it again.

“The Lord will remember us and bless us.” (Psalm 115:13 NIV)

We all go through seasons of feeling forgotten. Seasons where one door closes firmly and no new door appears in it’s place. We might stand in the hallway, wondering if anyone remembers us, our contribution, our calling. But God always remembers us. We have to hang on to that promise in the long hallways; it’s the dark corridors where our character is refined, further forged into His image.

Hallways happen for faithful people.

Noah, cast out upon the waters, waiting for the dry ground to reappear. Not forgotten.

Sarah, beautiful but barren for decades. Not forgotten.

Joseph sold into slavery, followed by full years in Pharoah’s brig, falsely accused. Not forgotten.

Moses, herded his father-in-law’s flocks until the bush finally caught fire. Not forgotten.

David, anointed as king but hidden in a cave from current leadership. Not forgotten.

Jonah, in the belly of the fish, belligerent and beleaguered but not forgotten.

Anna in the Temple, widowed and unseen for eighty years or more. Not forgotten.

Jesus, mocked, flogged, pinned to the cross. Never for even a moment, forgotten.

If you feel unremembered today, if you are standing in a hallway wringing your hands and wondering about your prospects, know that you are not forgotten.

“Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you!” (Isaiah‬ ‭49:15‬ ‭NLT)

Lord, we are uncomfortable in hallways. It’s hard to remember that we aren’t forgotten. Help us to hang on to Your promises as we await the next open door. Amen.

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