No Exclusions

“The the disciples went out and preached everywhere…” (Mark 16:20 NIV)

The disciples received their final instruction from Jesus and responded with obedience. They went out and preached everywhere. Everywhere is such an inclusive word, isn’t it?

If we were to apply ‘everywhere’ to our own life and preaching it might include the gym and gas station pump. Peaching would take place at PTA meetings and coffee shop tables. We would share the gospel around water coolers and while waiting at airline gates, in greens of public parks and the food courts of shopping malls. If everywhere was still our primary objective, we’d make Jesus famous in football stadiums and parking lots, at press conferences and quiet family dinners, on the subway commute and while we are working in fields and cubicles alike.

Here’s the thing: there are no exclusions on the gospel. No blackout dates or destinations. Jesus said go and tell and our orders remain unchanged. He expects that wherever we go, the gospel goes, too. Lights aren’t extinguished when they are carried into dark places, they are relied on even more heavily. We obey Jesus when we take the gospel everywhere; no exceptions.

“Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.” (Francis of Assisi)

“He has commanded us to preach to all people and to testify that He is the One whom God appointed as the judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.” (Acts 10:24-43 NIV)

Lord, we repent of our tendency to keep the gospel to ourselves. Forgive us and reignite us for gospel efforts. May we be obedient to go and tell. Everywhere. Everyone. No blackouts. No exclusions. We commit to Your agenda entirely. Amen.

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