New Spaces Inspire New Songs

"Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." (Psalm 33:3 NIV)

We moved into an apartment yesterday.

It’s been more than two decades since Bible college housing, so there’s some adjustment involved. We’ve spent the past three weeks sorting, selling and discarding. Lots of stuff fell by the wayside; if we didn’t love it, we didn’t move it.

At the end of the day, we crawled into bed totally spent; I barely stayed awake though evening prayers. What the 104 degree heat didn’t take out of us, the two flights of stairs extracted. Utter exhaustion prevailed until 5am when our cat, Tiger, singing the song of his people at full volume.

As you can see, Tiger has a unique personality.
Please pray he’s apartment-compatible – our poor neighbors!

My plan had been to sleep in and enjoy a leisurely morning before church. My reality was a 25 lb tabby trying to come to terms with a relocation he didn’t agree to. Sleeping in turned into up-before-the-sun, bible open to Psalm 33, where King David had penned another song that hit between the eyes. New spaces inspire new songs.

Rob and I are stepping into a new space, but also a new season. We’ve returned to San Antonio, but a different section of town. We’ll attend a new church today. We’ll interview for new jobs this week. Our entire horizon is different today than it was when we woke up yesterday. Our obnoxious cat was just a loud illustration of God’s truth; new spaces inspire new songs!

The good news is that we don’t have to strain to find the song. We glance back at His faithfulness and we press forward knowing He has led us into this next part of the path. He’s already here, with us, with a song already prepared for just such a space.

"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God." (Psalm 40:3 NIV)

Lord, thank You for leading and accompanying us into new spaces. It’s such an adventure to follow You. Please slip a new song into our hearts today as we we embark into this next leg of the journey. May we sing with wide-open joy for all You are. Amen.

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