Never Stop Singing

“The Lord said to Moses, “Gather the people together and I will give them water.” Then the Israelites sane this song: “Spring up, o well! Sing about it, about the well the princes dug, that the nobles of the people sank – the notes with scepters and staffs!” (Numbers 21:16-17

God gave the Israelites a well without their inquiry.

They didn’t have to bemoan and beg. No complaint preceded the flow of provision this time. God inherently knew their need and He provided. We read this quick excerpt in Numbers and realize the Israelites had grown quite a bit. They didn’t grumble, they gave thanks! As God’s people drew nearer to His Promised Land, they further matured in their faith. The wilderness detour had been successful! The Israelites were learning to trust God for their needs and receive His miraculous sustenance with gratitude big enough to break out in song.

What about us? We, too, are maturing believers. Every day we are a step or more closer to our own Promised Land. Are we learning our lesson or are we still pestering for the basic necessities, unconvinced of God’s ongoing provision? What is the theme song of our heart? Do we routinely grumble or express ongoing gratitude?

My long season with Moses amidst our current pandemic has quite honestly called attention to the complaints within my own four chambers. I’m deeply convicted. The journey may be less than ideal these days but it’s where we are at and God is with us. That should be enough to keep us singing each and every day.

It seems mature believers sing in all situations, wherever their tent is pitched. They sing with a lot or a little. They lift their voices of gratitude in the oasis or in the desert. They sing alone or surrounded by friends and family. They sing on lovely days when the sun is shining and still they raise a melody in the middle of the stormiest nights. Mature believers sin all the way up until their dying breath and maybe that last note sustains them all the way into the Promised Land.

“I will sing to the Lord all my life: I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” (Psalm 104:33 NLT)

Lord, please give us the grace and courage to sing to the end. Mature us away from complaint and toward thanksgiving. May we make note of Your perfect track record. Grow our confidence in Your consistent provision and open our mouths with gratitude instead of grumbling. Amen.

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