My Happy Place

“I long to dwell in your tent forever,” (Psalm 61:4 NIV)

I wonder, do you have a personal happy place? Is there somewhere in your mind that you go to soothe your own soul? It may be a memory or a fantasy or a physical location that you revisit when life is overwhelming and circumstances crushing. I have such a site; though I have never set foot there just yet. 

On the Bank of the Siene by Claude Monet

Heaven is my happy place. And for me, this scripture brings all sorts of wonderful images to mind. The pictures are still hazy; the aperture is not quite crisp. Though scripture paints extravagant canvases, my images are impressionist landscapes at best; full of color and light but little detail. My mind can’t yet fully grasp what it will be like to live awash in perfection. An unmarred world inhabited by faultless folks still feels impossible. Perhaps this is due to my daily tug of war with my flesh or my ongoing wrestle in dust and pain and decay. Maybe it’s the fact that two seasoned pastors cannot seem to figure out how to live in peace with their own teenage daughter. The fallen world we live in is so loud and close and damaged and dirty; it’s tough to truly envision the peace and perfection still to come.

Yet, heaven my happy place. It’s the sweet respite at the end of the lane, the destination I long for with all my being. It’s the thought I cling to when I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Heaven is my mental resting promise and it’s inextinguishable flame of hope fuels me for right living right now.

Some people count sheep. Others think about Star Wars. Still others utilize calming strips or favorites stuffed animals and lay under weighted blankets; attempting to soothe away the din of of a world so wanting. I close my eyes and I’m at the most extraordinary marriage supper. I’m falling into satisfying conversation with friends and family long passed on. I’m on an evening walk with my Lord and Savior, delighting in the flora and fauna of His gardens and groves. I’m in the national library learning the history of the martyrs and studying the tapestry of time with awe and wonder. Heaven is my happy place and I can’t hardly believe one day I’ll cross that threshold and be welcomed as beloved daughter, as though I’d never sinned at all thanks to my Savior’s sacrifice. It’s too wonderful for words.

“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and he showed me the Holy City Jerusalem, coming out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God, and it’s brilliance was like that of a precious jewel, like a jasper, as clear as a crystal.” (Revelation 21:10-11 NIV)

Lord, we thank You for the humbling and enticing promise of heaven. How wondrous that You would invite us. Let the reality of this invitation sink into our souls. May we anticipate it Your world in such a way that the promise affects every day and every decision between now and then. We so look forward to being welcomed Home. Amen.

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