"Bring joy to Your servant, Lord, for I trust in You." (Psalm 86:4 NIV)
Moving forward in trust can be a journey of joy!
Consider the mother of Jesus. Mary was entrusted with the care and keeping of her Savior. Though she was obedient, you can’t convince me she wasn’t also intimidated, even frightened by the task before her. Her path to and through motherhood wasn’t straightforward or easy. Yet, we see her receive and fulfill her assignment with joy. The magnificat glistens with gratitude and elation – it is the song of a woman reveling in God’s goodness and mercy.
Mary didn’t know the twists and turns that lay ahead, but she did trust the Father to take care of His Son. Scripture reminds us that we who believe are all sons and daughters. We, too, can step into an unknown future full of faith that our Good Father will tend to His beloved children. His attention and affection is adequate cause for our joy – even when we can’t see the pathway clearly.

Joy doesn’t cost us much and joy is never wasted. It makes the journey far more bearable when we take each step with joy in our hearts. And truly, going with God is reason enough to be joyous. I don’t know about you, but there are certain people who just make my days brighter. No matter the task, being together brings a little buoyancy to the situation. This is absolutely true of our Father. He promises to walk with us every step of the journey. Let’s move forward in joy today!
"You will make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." (Psalm 16:11 NIV)
Lord, today we are stepping out into the unknown again. We are convinced wherever we go, You go with. May that be reason enough to go with joy. Keep our hearts light as we trust in You every step of the journey. Amen.