"The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters, but the one who has insight draws them out." (Proverbs 20:5 NIV)
There are some very precious people coming to our Thanksgiving table today. I’d imagine you can say the same thing; have you thought much about it? Or are we preoccupied with the menu, the table setting, the seating arrangements? Ours will be an intimate affair this year, but I’m still hopeful for the extraordinary.

Holidays are time-sensitive opportunities to sit with our family, friend or neighbor and draw out treasure. Each conversation can be a mining adventure, an expedition in search of gold. Such a task will require a right attitude as well as time, intent and interest.
Mister Rogers reminds us: “Listening is the first step in loving.” I’ve also been sitting with Susan Scott, author of Fierce Conversations for the past week or so. She insists that people are continually changing: no soul is static. And the goal of communication is learning who folks are today. Additionally, she maintains: as long as we are talking, we aren’t learning. She proposes that we change our life by merely paying attention.
Today, with all it’s turkey and dressing, is just the sort of day to do some soul mining. We’ll have to be more Mary than Martha. Listen with intent to love. Asking leading questions. Refuse to interrupt. Let curiosity lead the conversation. Rediscover the precious people pulled up around our table. Don’t let them leave the room without feeling seen, heard and deeply valued.
"Do nothing our of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others about yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others." (Philippians 2:3-4 NIV)
Paul goes on to say, take on the same mindset of Christ: though the Son of God, He was a servant of all.
I’m convinced that one of the greatest gifts we can give in this culture is the gift of active listening. Today’s festivities are a wide-open opportunity to reacquaint yourselves with some of the dearest folks on earth. I pray you’ll seize the day and rediscover someone delightful.
Lord, today we thank You for the privilege of gating with friends, family, and maybe even neighbors. We are grateful to You for another year and another opportunity to celebrate Your many kindnesses toward us. Help us today, to come out of the kitchen and into relationship. May we slow down and deeply value the souls You have set in front of us this day. Help us draw out the gold and may our dear ones feel heard, seen and even treasured today. Amen.