"Get the truth and never sell it; also get wisdom, discipline and good judgement. The father of godly children has cause for great joy. What pleasure to have children who are wise. So give your father and mother joy!" (Proverbs 23:23-25 NLT)
It’s no secret that my children are my greatest joy. They are both home for the holiday and suddenly our little lemon drop is bursting with life! Music, laughter, messes, even the petty arguing that takes place between siblings – it all makes me smile. I love seeing them, hearing them, feeding them, peeking in on them when they’re sleeping because even after two decades, their very existence is still a wonder to me.

When they are home, schedules cease. The whole world slows to whatever they are doing, or not doing for that matter. We watch movies, play games, go for walks, fix food and sit around the table for hours at a time. Rob and I treasure each and every opportunity to learn about what is happening in their lives. We pray for them unceasingly. Our greatest desire is that they would walk with the Lord.

When the kiddos were still itty bitty, I decided upon their daily instruction. I worked for a gal that would insist “Make good choices!” every time her children left her care. It made tons of sense to have that be the last thing they heard before they braved the world each day, but I wondered how they would recognize the difference between a good choice and a bad choice? Jesus definitely needed to be in on the decision-making process.
So when my kids left for school, a friend’s house, or summer camp, they were infinitely reminded: “Make good choices and honor Jesus.” This phrase became so familiar that by the time they were in high school they’d interrupt and finish the sentence. I’d start “Make good choices…” and they’d cut me of “…and honor Jesus, I know, I know, Mom!” in that exasperated tone that teenagers master. Even now, in early adulthood, the’ll spout it off every once in a while over text message or as we’re parting ways in parking lots. It only took ten thousand or more repetitions, but the message is engraved in they hearts quite permanently.
Today’s text reminds us how good parents are proud when their children make God-honoring choices. Honestly, the bit about mothers and fathers stung a little. I’m especially aware of the absence of my folks during holidays. While others are calling parents and grandparents, I pretend not to notice the aching void of my own living lineage.
On second consideration, though, it’s an opportunity to reinforce truth: I am not an orphan, but the daughter of the King. And just as I rejoice in my son or daughter’s right choices, so my Father rejoices in mine. It thrills His heart when I go the right way. Isn’t it fun to picture the God of all creation smiling over our good choices? What a gift I get to give Him when I choose to honor Him with my decisions! (This is the joy ALL His children can give, not just the parent-deprived people.)
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth." (3 John 1:4 NLT)
Lord, we long to bring You joy. Walking in truth and making right choices is one of the ways we get to thrill Your heart. Thank You for parenting us through life’s challenges. We so look forward to pulling up to Your table together one day soon.
Help us honor You all the way Home. Amen.