Ladder Climbing

“An argument started among them as to who would be the greatest.” (Luke 9:46 NIV)

Humans are endlessly competing for position. It may be the Achilles heal of our species. We lose sight of the important task at hand because we become concerned, even consumed with collecting credit for our contribution. How will we be rewarded? Who will applaud our efforts?

Jesus reminded the disciples that hierarchy is unimportant. The mission is what is critical, not the organization of the men involved. Think about it. We lose so much momentum and peace over structural politics. Look at the gridlock in Washington DC and you’ll see precisely what Jesus warned about. This fight to be top dog does the Kingdom no favors. Incessant ladder climbing only distracts from our true purpose.

Position doesn’t matter. Obedience matters. People matter. Eternity matters. Jesus reminds His followers to keep the main thing the main thing. The endless fight for credit is a distraction from the enemy because it is terribly destructive to our mission. Instead, we commit to do our best and let God sort it out at the end.

“Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a child and had him stand beside Him. Then He said to them “Whoever welcomes this little child in My name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes Me welcomes the One who sent Me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” (Luke 9:46-48 NIV)

Lord, please forgive us for all the times we have competed for position: outwardly and inwardly alike. We realize how unChristlike competition is. Change our hearts. Set our sights on pleasing You, not accolades or opportunities. Please set our hearts on mission: loving You, loving people, presenting truth. Let us keep the main thing the main thing and accomplish much for Heaven’s sake. Amen.

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