Kingdom Generosity

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, His generosity exceeds even yours in the glory that pours forth from Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 MSG)

The Philippians were generous people and they had just given Paul a financial offering. This was Paul’s response: first, he acknowledges that their gift was sourced in God and second, that God was even more generous that the Philippian church (which was notorious in their giving).

I sit here this morning in a brand new kitchen in a brand new house, utterly overwhelmed by the generosity of God through His people. What a heart posture for Thanksgiving weekend: humbled awe of Kingdom abundance. My life is living proof: when we let go, when we open our hands and offer our resources, our God is even more generous with us.

Still unpacking, but so blessed by the beauty in this new space.

Today I’m grateful for the Kingdom principle of generosity. I have long-believed that the heartbeat of God is ‘give’ and it is when we give that we are made most like Him. This beautiful succession of giving and receiving and giving again delights our God and instructs us in the ways of the Kingdom.

“You’ll not likely go wrong if you remember that our Master said you’re far happier giving than getting.” (Acts 20:35 MSG)

What can we give this week? A smile, a meal or monetary offering? Patience, support, a sign of peace? Respect, time, a good attitude? Space, understanding, empathy? The holidays are ripe for generosity, opportunities abound. Let’s look for ways to be a blessing.

Lord, thank You for giving so freely to us. May we reflect Your character through our own openhandedness. Recreate us in the image of Your Kingdom as we give ourselves away. Amen.

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