Joyful Obedience

“Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts.” (Psalm 119:2 NLT)

There is a profound joy found only in obedience to God. It’s different than obeying man because God is good, perfect, right and righteous; when we obey God, we connect with all of that. What’s more – obedience begets intimacy. Because God is opposed to sin, our transgressions push Him away (consider Eden and the fall of man). Conversely, a desire and pursuit of righteousness pulls us closer to Him.

“Loving God means keeping His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome.” (1John 5:3 NLT)

Modern culture tries to reduce the gospel to ‘God is love’ but many miss the larger truth that obedience is how we love God in return. Obedience moves us from recipients to participants. It’s the difference between having a divine aficionado and a full-blown relationship with the living God. I want the latter. I require more than a cosmic cheerleader. I need a coach, a father and a friend to guide me through the obstacle course of earthly existence. I want to reciprocate His commitment, affection and persistence. I want to live as enthused about Him as He is about me.

“Obedience rendered without delight in rendering is only half-obedience.” (Charles Spurgeon)

Lord, help us realize that obedience is our ‘I love You’ in return. It is not a burden, but a delight to respond to Your truth with deference. Give us the meekness to do so. Pull us close as we conform to Your perfect instructions. We long to love You in return. Amen.

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