Joy Just Ahead

"For You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You." (Isaiah 26:3 NIV)

This scripture is all the more astounding when we consider the culture Isaiah was written in. The nation of Israel had turned a deaf ear to the instruction of God. They were continuing to offer meaningless sacrifices in the Temple while they went after false gods elsewhere. Injustice was rampant. God’s word was forgotten. Isaiah was tasked to pronounce God’s judgement on his fellow people. I was today year’s old when I learned that Jewish tradition believes Isaiah to have been sawed in half thus ending his earthly existence.

This is the man that penned this text: the one about perfect peace. He wrote God’s word in a season of national spiritual bankruptcy. If Isaiah could find and maintain perfect peace amidst the coming judgement of the living God (which he could see clearly), then what stands in our way? A stress-fractured tooth? An imbalanced budget? A murky future? We are reminded, all these lovely limitations are designed to keep us dependent upon God.

I’m encouraged when I consider Isaiah’s authorship of this powerful passage. Peace is a choice we can make in any circumstance because it’s sourced in our belief about God and our allegiance to Him. Isaiah could rest in peace knowing full-well what was coming for his country because the prophet could see past all that. He was determined to remain close to His Creator. Even if Isaiah had gotten wind of the human plan to tear him into two pieces, he could discern beyond it.

Isaiah was the man who had gotten a glimpse of the Lord seated in His throne room with the train of His robe filling the Temple. (Isaiah 6) He had walked close enough with God to understand that the pilgrim’s journey doesn’t end here, in this strange wilderness between sin and total sanctification. The Promised Land is real and those who trust In God, who lean in for salvation and soul leadership, will one day after death cross over its borders and delight in its fruit. Isaiah understood this and reminded faithful to his task and peaceful in in the presence of his God and king.

This morning, Isaiah speaks to us through 2500 years of human history: God is faithful to those who trust Him. He grants peace to the people who choose His presence over their concerns and circumstances. This sort of focus takes sustained effort; like the optometrist chair with the continual click of lenses, our retinas will strain to keep up. We must recalibrate again and again, striving to perceive God at work in our story.

At my mother’s funeral, my big brother made a pain-laced comment to my husband. “Look what her faith got her.” Chris couldn’t see past Mom’s cancer-ridden, cold frame laid out that day. He couldn’t imagine her greeting her King, whole and cancer-free, happy to be Home at last.

Our human sight so limited. We forget that there is a whole other story after these brief pages conclude. Isaiah understood it. Stephen and Jeremiah did, also. When we can comprehend the eternal life that comes after death and when fix our hearts on the Lord who oversees it all, we will experienced peace that passes understanding like we see in prophets and apostles.

"the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ." (Philippians 4:7 NIV)

When the peace of God permeates our souls, we inherently know that even if the very worst happens, the best is yet to come.

"So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while." (1 Peter 1:6 NLT)

Lord, we are sad that our peace is leaky. In our frail frames, it’s tough to see past today. Extend our sight, O Lord. Stretch our spiritual retinas beyond their human limitations. Gift us with a vision of You in Your holiness. Open our hearts to eternity. Buttress our faith in Your promises. Flood our beings with peace as we steady our minds on You. Remind us there is joy around the bend. Amen.

2 Replies to “Joy Just Ahead”

  1. Another excellent writing. Thank you for your diligence to give us more of Gods Word & help me to draw closer to my Lord & Savior!

    1. It is, quite literally, my joy to keep writing. I’m thrilled that these devotions are an encouragement to you, Sandi. You have long been an encouragement to me, dear lady!

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