In the Kitchen

“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them, and confirmed His word by the signs accompanied them.”
(Mark 16:20 NIV)

When our daughter was very little, I started letting her help in the kitchen with me while I baked. Her presence slowed the process quite a bit, and risked our results. But together, over many years, I’ve taught her to measure flour and crack eggs, to scald milk and knead dough. Teaching Sarah to cook was a long and messy process. If I’m being honest, I didn’t require her help. Having her in the kitchen actually slowed me down quite a bit. But baking with a five year old isn’t about the results, it’s about the process. It’s about the relationship we cultivated as we measured and mixed. Now our Sarah is sixteen and quite an accomplished cook. Her specialties include four-cheese quiche, meringues and french macarons.

How does any of this relate to the last sentence of Mark?

“and the Lord was with them.”

Here’s a newsflash: God didn’t need the disciples help to share the gospel. He is perfectly capable of going into all the world with the truth about Himself. But He let the disciples in the kitchen of the Kingdom for the sake of relationship. He worked with them, recognizing potential, teaching them patiently, and then confirming their clumsy attempts at preaching with signs and wonders.

I for one am so glad that God lets us in His kitchen. I love participating in His salvation plan. It’s a thrill to see Him meet my enthusiastic obedience with His awesome power. I’m appreciative of His patient tutelage and I’m grateful for the ministry He accomplishes through my surrendered story.

“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13 ESV)

Lord, thank You for inviting us into the kitchen of Your Kingdom. It is a privilege to learn alongside You. Help us listen well, follow along carefully and reproduce what we see in You. Please meet our human efforts with Your powerful presence. Confirm the preaching of the Word with signs and wonders. Amen.

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