Immediate and Complete

“When Israel became strong, they pressed the Canaanites into forced labor, but never drove them out completely.” (Judges 1:28 NIV)

The entire first chapter of Judges reads this way, tribe after tribe compromised on God’s implicit instructions to His people. He asked they they drive out the enemy completely, not co-exist or create a slave population.

The Isrealites did not follow through on God’s commands and they did not consider the affect that would have on the generations that followed. Their compromise would contribute to their descendent’s destruction.

Let’s make this personal. The choices we make today will contribute to the faithfulness or faithlessness of future generations. We honor God for ourselves, but we also honor God for our children. The Israelites left idols and idolaters in their land and false worship would continue to be a problem for God’s people.

“Now then, said Joshua, “Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” (Joshua 24:23 NIV)

I’ve heard it said that obedience is both immediate and complete, otherwise it’s not obedience but disobedience. When God gives us instructions, we obey by doing it now and doing it completely. The Israelites obeyed God half-heartedly and left stumbling blocks for the generations that followed. What will be said of us?

Lord, we long to be obedient; acting upon Your instructions both immediately and completely. Please help us have the commitment to follow through on Your commands even when we’re weary. May we set up future generations for success according to our obedience today. Amen.

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