He Stilled the Storm

“You who stilled the roaring seas, the roaring of their waves…” (Psalm 65:7 NIV)

I opened the word this morning and remembered the waves. Four years ago we attended this same conference only on the other coast. My dad has recently passed away and I was fighting to keep my head above the water. We drove three and a half days across the country; carving our way west in a minivan with two teenagers. But as hard as we drove, I could not drive out from under the crushing responsibility and anxiety that came with Dad’s death. We were gone two full weeks together, but I never did quite connect with my family the way I had longed too. I could see and hear them, but as though underwater. They were having a wonderful time but I could not shake the panic of drowning right in front of them.

Four years have passed and by a series of miracles we are here again; Rob and I and our nearly grown children, gathering with our national brotherhood for another General Council. It’s not happenstance that my Bible fell open to the remembrance of the waves and the One who calmed them. God stilled that storm; the one named Estate. It eventually passed over as the Lord held me fast through deafening thunder and crashing sea. I’m here with my family, once again wowed by a God who gives second chances. He rules the wave and He rules my heart. He is a good and sovereign King. I am so excited to see what He accomplishes this week.

“Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” (Matthew 8:26 NIV)

Thank You Lord, for Your faithfulness in the storm. Thank You for seeing us through to the other side, even while we still feel afraid at sea. Your plan is still unfolding and it’s a good one. You see us through every squall, we are grateful to bind ourselves to You. Amen.

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