He Is King

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In His hand are the depths of the earth, and th mountain peaks belong to Him. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.” (Psalm 95:3-5 NIV)

My husband and I have been watching The Crown lately. Our lack of internet and streaming services has driven us to the library: we borrow whatever they have of interest and work our way through it. The Crown is a period piece about Queen Elizabeth’s reign and her familial entanglements. It’s incredibly interesting because it covers several decades and systemic shifts in society. The leadership of England is quite different than America it’s fascinating to see a monarchy in action.

Queen Elizabeth is a queen because she was born into a blue bloodline and her country’s system of law set her up as heir apparent. When her father, King Henry, passed on, she inherited his responsibilities and the throne. Her son, Prince Charles of Wales, stands in line behind her to carry on the duties of the crown.

God, however, is King, not because of His bloodline but because of everything having been borne through Him. He is the Great Sustainer. He is the King because without Him, none of us exist. He is the only rightful King and anyone lesser is a coup against Him.

God’s kingship is a delight to His people. He is a good and king and just King. Our best life – today and eternally – is discovered in surrender to His sovereignty.

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” (Psalm 95:6-7 NIV)

There is delight in our flock status. It is good to belong to the Lord, He is faithful to His people and devoted in His purposes.

Lord, today we recognize You as King: both of this world with it’s trappings, but also of our hearts and minds. May we live wholly devoted to You, refusing to bow before any other lesser lord. Sit as divine Sovereign in our life and help us live fully committed to the cause of Your heart. You are a good King and we are glad to be Your people. May all glory and honor ever belong to You. Amen.

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