"The Lord is my strength and my song, And He is become my salvation: He is my God and I will prepare Him an habitation; My Father's God, and I will exalt." (Exodus 15:2 KJV)
I preached it just last Sunday, how we are each making our way through the wilderness, learning to live like God’s people all along the way Simultanesously, we set out into Advent; the sacred season of preparation. Today’s scripture alerts us, it’s our heart that must be made ready for Christmas.
We’re all in when it comes to homes and workplaces. Most of us spent the long weekend pulling out rubbermaid tubs and putting up Christmas trees. It’s suddenly socially acceptable to belt out carols and we’ve been cleared for Christmas t-shirts at middle school. (Today mine says “Go Jesus, it’s Your birthday!”) All the festivities are great, but how much time will we spend in preparation of His actual habitation?
Sunday’s sermon included this, too: how when the curtain tore, the cloud lifted and God miraculously marked our hearts as His new home here on earth. No longer does the Holy of Holies serves as the hotspot of God’s presence. Instead these blood-pumping living muscles have somehow become the intersection between heaven and earth. How do we adequately prepare to receive our King?
While our tendency is to turn up the carols, activity and festivity, this year I am choosing to intentionally turn it all down. The further I proceed into this particular stillness, the more I long to hear His voice and follow His leading. I’m preparing His habitation by slowing down and sitting still, waiting patiently on His whisper.
Let’s commit to not miss Him this holiday season. You may not have the luxury of an empty calendar or a quiet house, but you can still afford a few moments of stillness at the far ends of each day. You, too, can refuse to rush through this sacred four weeks of waiting, anticipating the arrival of hope in it’s purest form.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, that which is essential is invisible to the eyes.” (Saint Exupery)
"Ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:22 KJV)
Lord, we are in awe of the fact that You have chosen to dwell in us. While the bustle and bustle of the Christmas season can be distracting, help us prioritize stillness. May we make time to properly prepare our habitation. We long to hear from You in this sacred season. Help us turn down the noise and hone in what is most essential. Amen.