Growth Gives God Glory

“Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow, where nettles grew, myrtle will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of His love and power.” (Isaiah 55:13 NLT)

We’ve been taking about growth all week at church. God wants us to grow. As a parent delights in the growth of their child, so God delights in our growth.

Black-eyed susans growing for God’s glory in the ditch near our home.

Today’s text makes it clear: when we grow, God gets the glory. See, there is some growth only God can produce: nettles to myrtle and thorns to cypress. God alone can transform pain into praise, sorrow into joy and death into life. God’s impossible growth in us makes Him famous: the NIV employs the word ‘renown’. Growth brings God glory.

How are you growing today? How are you cooperating with the Word and the Spirit in order to be remade more fully into His image? For me, it’s surrender. I’m letting go of what I thought I wanted and grabbing hold of what God Himself is handing over. I’m believing with all my being that God doesn’t hold out on His people, and if He’s offering it, it’s His very best for me in this season.

Our growth brings God glory but it also stands as a memorial to His love and power. Our transformation reminds others of His ability to redeem anyone and anything! We become living altars of His grace and mercy.

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory both now and forever! Amen. “ (2 Peter 3:18 NIV)

Lord, we long to cooperate with the growth You have intended for us. Give us grace and strength to say ‘yes’ to Your good plans. Transform us more fully into Your image. Let our lives stand as a memorial. Amen.

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