Green Pastures and Quiet Waters

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters." (Psalm 23:2 NASB1995)
An Iowa pasture basking in evening light.

The Good Shepherd insists: stop to smell the flowers in the open field and enjoy the trickle of water running through the valley. Along our journey Home, we will occasionally find ourselves in places of growth and vitality. In such sessions of productivity, we are invited to rest. Our Shepherd intentionally brings us to places that feed and restoration our souls.

So often I write about wilderness seasons. I’ve mentioned the exceptional drought we are experiencing in South Texas. This morning it is refreshing to consider a green pasture beside a quiet stream and our God’s insistence to slow down and enjoy it. Slowing down is not my nature. I tend to be business-like. I typically have an agenda and I’m working my way down the list. But in this second verse of the infamous twenty-third psalm, our Shepherd asks, even demands, that we adopt a different pace.

Quiet waters of Smith Lake near Algona, IA.

Verdant fields offer abundance. The beauty blesses our soul and refreshes. We are restored by a brilliant sunset or a pair of butterflies dancing above the blades of grass. Quiet waters offer reflection. We can gaze into the stream and see ourselves more accurately. In such contemplation, we may discover shortcomings, failures and misconceptions. Mature believers are not afraid to deeply consider their reflection – the perception of their life amidst others. They aren’t concerned about losing momentum by lying down for a bit during busy and productive seasons. They trust the Shepherd’s leading.

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)

In green seasons (seasons of flourishing) we are tempted to grow in our own direction. We may allow the current of life to tug us along, giving little thought to the Shepherd’s objectives.

Stillness amidst our greenest seasons – this intentional act of lying down in open pastures – affords us time to consider the Shepherd’s plan and priorities. The reflection over quiet waters reminds us, our life is much bigger than us. We are an infinitesimal part of far grander scheme to save the souls of many. Stillness and reflection in verdant season insure us that our soul will grow in the right direction.

"I have considered my ways and turned my steps toward Your statutes." (Psalm 119:59 NIV)
"Now this is what the Lord God Almighty says: "Give careful thought to Your ways." (Haggai 1:5 NIV)

Green pastures are limited opportunities to heal up and stock up. Oftentimes in scripture, seasons of plenty were followed by seasons of famine. When we find ourselves in a green season and Lord says “lay down” we can be sure He knows the landscape ahead. If He insists on rest right now, in a sufficient and well-watered place, we do well to take heed. Today’s abundance is often provision for tomorrow’s scarcity.

Years ago, when we pushed off from youth pastoring in Texas to pastor our own congregation in Iowa, my pastor’s wife pulled me aside with a word of wisdom. She said “Rest when you can, Anna. The ministry will always take every ounce of energy you offer. But you have to survive it. Go home and take a nap when you need one. You never know what is coming next.” This has proven to be such loving and solid advice.

While we are tempted to rush through thriving green seasons, the call of the Shepherd is to slow down and enjoy the plenty. There will be stretches of poverty and plodding, places where we must keep putting one foot in front o the other to stave off the gathering vultures. But when we discover an oasis, God invites us to a few moments of recuperation in His presence. We do well to take it.

Lord, we are so glad that You can see the land ahead. You give instruction with tomorrow’s terrain in mind. Help us heed Your voice and lie down at Your command. We thank You for the beautiful and plentiful places. They feed our frames: body, mind and spirit. May we slow to Your pace in the lush valleys and by the still waters: making time to rest and reflect. Let us remain receptive to feedback and reform. We want to live out Your image among the world, representing Your Kingdom accurately and attractively. Restore us in these seasons so we may continue to carry Your heart to the nations. Amen.

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