Gratitude on New Ground

“Noah built an altar to God.” (Genesis 8:20 MSG)

I’ve been thinking about Noah and how he began again in a new world. I’m still struck by the fact that his very first act on solid ground was altar-building. Think about it, he built an altar before he built a fence to keep his food source close and safe. He built an altar before he built a roof over his own head. He built an altar before he assembled a plan for survival in an uninhabited world. Noah was a builder by nature and he built an altar first and foremost.

Noah somehow knew that his new life needed to be built on a rock-solid foundation of God-gratitude so he gathered stones and established a place of praise-sacrifice. This speaks to me; we’re just settling in to a new town, a new church, a new season. There’s a lot grabbing for our focus: faces to learn, protocols to pay attention to, a culture to observe and adapt into. But God invites us to the fundamental task of thanksgiving first.

A new day breaking in a new land.

Will we stop in the wonder and the chaos of a new life and honor our Creator-Sustainer? What about an old life? Will you pause amidst the ordinary, the common, maybe even the mundane and bring Him wild thanks? Honestly, some of us long to lay down the adventure and pick up routine. Will you shake up your every day with a bit with gratitude?

It’s November and the calendar is gaining momentum toward Thanksgiving. Too often we pause for a quick family feast and then turn all our considerations toward Christmas. But what would happen if we slowed our roll this season? What would happen if we spent some time building an altar? What if we let thanks-giving overshadow Christ-receiving this season? What if we marked the short days between now and the new year with deep gratitude?

“Let every detail of your lives – words, actions, whatever – be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.” (Colossians 3:17 MSG)

Lord, we want to thank our way into the new year. Mark our days and our lives with ongoing gratitude. Whether we are beginning anew or rediscovering the familiar, may we find ways to express our praise. We are so glad to belong to You. Amen.

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