Gratitude, Generosity & Miracles

“Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.”
(John 6:11 NIV)

The altar at Tagbha featuring an ancient Byzantine mosaic of loaves and fishes.

I love thinking about this miracle at Tagbha. It’s a beautiful place; perched up on a lush mountainside under a canopy of blue sky. A crowd had gathered, likely diverted on their way to Jerusalem to observe Passover. These people were drawn to the mild-mannered preacher and His upside-down Kingdom teaching. Five thousand men, maybe women and children, too, all settled in at Jesus’ feet, ready to receive whatever the Rabbi was prepared to serve.

The stone courtyard at Tagbha.

Jesus always has a plan, but here He let the disciples sweat it out a bit first. The twelve took up a census of available resources and they came up a bit short: five loaves, two fish. Jesus took the loaves and gave thanks: Jesus did nothing apart from His Father. I wonder, what were the disciples thinking in that moment? Perhaps ‘thanks for nothing cause we aren’t going to get a bite to eat.’ I might have trended that way myself, hung up by my own hunger. Were they doubtful in their thought life? Realistically, how far could two fish and a handful of bread go with five thousand hungry men?

Exterior of the Church of the Multiplication.

Yet our Savior gave thanks for the not enough and in that moment, it became enough. He received the smallest gifts with gratitude and in thanksgiving those gifts grew to meet the most pressing need. What a lesson for us and our ever-greedy hearts: gratitude alters our story! Gratitude plus generosity gets God’s attention; presses in on His most-generous nature. Jesus was blessing the bread and giving thanks because it was His intent to share whatever He had with hungry people. A miracle happened on that mountainside because Jesus was thankful and charitable. Thanks and giving brings the supernatural heart of God into our situation. Our gratitude and generosity prove His values are taking root in our lives.

What is not enough for you today? Can you give thanks for it? Can you open your hand and give it away? Will you trust God to meet your needs as you are obedient to Kingdom values? If yes, you’ll see miracles. God’s nature has not changed.

“After people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the prophet who is come into the world.” (John 6:14 NIV)

Gratitude and generosity proceed the miraculous. The entire experience persuades people about the very existence of God. Note that this convincing begins with us: ordinary people giving thanks and offering our lives up in accordance with Kingdom instruction. Small acts of gratitude and generosity have the potential to affect eternities. What greater objective can we invest in?

Lord, please help us live generously and gratefully. Whatever we have is enough when we surrender it to Your purpose. Thank You for the miracles You perform with our limited means: it gets people’s attention. May we be faithful to offer whatever we have, with thanks, for Kingdom’s cause. Amen.

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