Gratitude even in Persecution

“Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” (Daniel 6:10 NIV)

Daniel was living in a stressful time, but it didn’t alter his routine of gratitude. Though the other administrators that served alongside him sought to corrupt him, Daniel held fast to the values of a higher Kingdom.

Daniel in the Lions Den by Briton Riviere.

What an awesome template for the believer in 2020! The attacks this year feel personal, specifically targeted toward those loyal to divine instruction. Of course they are; we have an enemy. There’s a snake in our midst and he’s always seeking to slide into our relationship with the living God and strike a mortal blow.

What do we do when we are under attack? We take a cue from Daniel and we hit our knees. We go into the throne room as often as necessary to hold heavenly perspective. We present our requests and we give thanks.

Ultimately we trust God has sent someone to shut the mouth of the accuser, to stand with us in the fire of persecution, to insulate our hearts from hatred and to promote the truest Kingdom of all.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6 NIV)

Lord, we give thanks in all circumstances. May gratitude be woven into the rhythm and fabric of our lives so effectively that even persecution cannot remove it. We are so aware of you sustaining hand, we are dust apart from You. May tomorrow’s festivities be a culmination of the gratitude we’ve ben collecting all month. We are Your people and You are our God. We give thanks. Amen.

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