God Gives Rest

“It is useless for you to work so hard, from early morning until late at night, anxiously toiling for food to eat; for God gives rest to His loved ones.” (Psalm 127:2 NLT)

My quest for rest in 2020 continues. Again in my daily devotions, I am reminded that rest is a gift.

“God can do more in our sleep than all our efforts combined.”
(Rodney Anderson)

I don’t need to do a google search to confirm this, my lifelong aptitude for science affirms it. It seems more happens in our body asleep than takes place awake. Our systems self-reset: muscles grow, tissue heals, hormones balance. But also, our brains have an opportunity to compress and file away the days activities; moving memories into retrievable long-term storage. Sleep is essential for growth and restoration.

“He giveth His beloved sleep.” (Psalm 127:2b KJV)

We can rest because we are loved. Let that sink into your skin a bit. We can close our eyes on the world with complete confidence that we are held, we are overseen and protected by the One who knit the world and our frames together. We can be sure that God has this.

“For the Lord provides for those He loves even while they are asleep.”
(Psalm 127:2b GNT)

My dad worked the night shift all through my high school years. He would leave to clock in just as I was getting ready for bed. I’d sleep and he’d keep the electrical systems at Iowa Beef Products humming, all the while providing a steady paycheck and good health insurance for our family of six. I’d awake in the morning and he’d be on his way back home.

Our God works while we sleep, also. It’s okay for us to take a break, to call it a night or observe the Sabbath and trust Him enough to rest our souls. He’s God and He can run the whole of the earth without our input or effort. He does this because He loves us. He provides because we are precious to His heart.

“Don’t you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?” (Psalm 127:2b MSG)

“God takes care of his own even while they sleep.” (Psalm 127:2b CEV)

Matthew Henry points out how we are with God whether we are wake or asleep. Either way, we are beloved. And asleep is a posture of deepest trust.

“I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me.” (Psalm 3:5 NLT)

Lord, may we rest confident in You. May we rest while we sleep, but also rest in all our activity and inactivity as we learn to live and breathe with complete confidence in You. Amen.

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