Glad to Grab Hold

“Suddenly, Jesus met them, “Greetings,” He said. They came to Him, clasped His feet ad worshiped Him.” (Matthew 28:9 NIV)

Have you ever marveled at the fact that the God of the Universe allows us to grab hold of His feet?

In my small group this morning we were discussing the book of Job: specifically chapters 38-41. Maybe you are familiar? Job and his buddies had been discussing the great big questions of life, even making an accusation or two against their Creator. And then, arriving in a whirlwind, the God of Creation explodes on the scene and begins asking questions Himself. Job is stunned into silence: reduced to repentance in dust and ashes. (Job 42:6). The Almighty straight up monologued for four full chapters, reminding little old Job that he had not hung stars or hooked the Levianth. He had not set the ocean within it’s borders or stacked up the snow and rain in their storehouses. Simply put: everything Job had asked about was far above his pay grade. Essentially, God told Job – relax and trust My sovereignty.

Job’s experience is nothing short of amazing because it leaves us white a written record of the glory of God. When we read these four chapters, we are awed again that we can come close enough to fall in His presence. Similarly, the risen Jesus also allowed these ordinary women to grab hold of His pierced and holy feet. Despite His glory, His majesty, His splendor, His righteousness. Despite our flesh, our fallen nature, our many shortcomings and failures. The Lord our God invites us close, into His personal space. He lets us grab hold of Him and present our request regardless of our right to the information we seek. Hallelujah.

“Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but You. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to You and wait patiently… Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your house; I will worship at Your Temple with deepest awe.” (Psalm 5:2-3, 7 NLT)

Lord, we stand in Your house and fall at Your feet in awe and trembling. What a privilege it is to approach a holy God. Thank You for this honor. Thank You for simply saying ‘no’ or ‘wait’ when our request is out of our human reach. You humor us with Your goodwill. We are extraordinarily grateful for Your friendship. Amen.

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