Glad to Gather

“I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”” (Palm 122:1 NIV)

All I really wanted for my birthday this year was the opportunity to go back to church. And today, on the tenth week of pandemic, we finally have to the go ahead to gather in God’s house. We are still live-streaming and we’ll remain socially-distant, but I’m going to put on my mask and my Sunday best and go to worship with God’s people. I’m pretty thrilled about it.

It’s funny how the Co-Vid19 crisis has turned every little thing into a gift. We are all still healthy. Yay! The internet connection is solid. Yahoo! We found toilet paper at the store. Whoop! Whoop! Going to church, though? That’s the biggest gift we’ve received in a bunch of months and my heart is overjoyed at the thought of it! I’m glad to see people. I can’t wait to give my gift in the offering opportunity. I’m grateful to sit and receive an in-person message and fall at the altar if the Spirit beckons. I’m ecstatic to go to the House of the Lord!

It’s notable that this psalm is a Song of Ascents, to be sung as pilgrims were climbing the increasing elevation toward Jerusalem. We see that they sing of their gladness to go, but also a request of peace for God’s home and His people.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be a peace within your walls and security within your citadels.””
(Psalm 122:6-7 NIV)

Of course the psalmist speaks of Jerusalem proper, but he also includes the people of God as a whole.

“For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be with you.””
(Psalm 122: 8 NIV)

It’s probably quarantine and the lack of salon visits, but my catholic roots are peeking out a bit this morning. Daily mass greeting still resonates through mystery system: “Peace be with you.” and the honoring response “And also with you.” I am so glad to gather with God’s people, but at the same time I pray for the peace and security of those who bravely assemble in the house of the Lord.

Lord, we rejoice at the reality of going to Your house today. We are so grateful to get to gather in Your holy name. At the same time, we pray for the peace and security of Your people. Watch over us as we worship together today. Be glorified in all we say and and sing and do. Amen.

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