"I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him." (Lamentation 3:24 NIV)
When I was a girl, we went to Chicago for Thanksgiving each November. My cousins lived in Arlington Heights and they were my very favorite people on the planet. I looked forward to these holiday roadtrips with all my heart. As an adult, I learned that my brother and I spent a year under the Peterson roof while our mother was in seminary but I don’t remember it at all. Perhaps, though, that’s why going to Aunt Char’s house has always felt like coming home.

The commute between northwestern Iowa and the Windy City is a long one but I’d be up with the sun with bags packed, ready to go. My father was not at all a morning person. In fact, I don’t know that I ever saw my dad move anywhere in any kind of a hurry and packing up for Aunt Char’s was no exception to his personal pace. Oftentimes he was still swapping out snow tires or doing an oil change on the day of our big trip. I can remember one year being in the car with Barbies and books, ready to go while the vehicle was still on the jack. I was just too excited to wait in the house!
We get ahead of God, don’t we? We forget that He is moving sovereignly, slowly, that none would perish. We are often already in the proverbial car when it’s clear that He isn’t at all ready to put it in gear.
Jeremiah reminds us to set our souls to God’s pace, to adjust to His gait and be willing to wait upon His impeccable timing. We’re in a hurry but He’s enamored with the the souls He’s set in motion; unwilling to move ahead without them. His delay has everything to do with devotion and His notorious affection is why we are with Him in the first place. We do well to wait, to match His pace and appreciate His motives. He love His people, so might we.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9 NIV)
Lord, please forgive our anxious hearts. We get ahead of You and then we experience impatience. Please help us slow to Your gait, determined to stay with You in all You are doing, content to watch You work. Help us perceive and appreciate You incredible compassion and attention to detail. Grow our heart for Your people as we adhere ourselves to You. Amen.