Gentle Leading

“He tends His flock like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.” (Isaiah 40:11 NIV)

A dear friend sent this scripture, texted it early one morning from a far away state. It arrived in my palm as manna. Her timing was flawless as I had just been wondering, worrying and praying for my young adult children. It’s a tender time in their lives; there are a myriad of decisions to be made between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five. Each choice is pressurefull, today’s resolutions will frame out the foundation for the rest of their lives. My kids are each in a pivotal place, for sure. But in their newfound independence, input is mostly unwelcome. I get it, I remember being young and sure of myself. It is only just now that I look back and wish I’d asked more questions, sought more insight and accepted more advice.

My concerns feel bigger than inexperience, though. The world we are sending our kids out into is fractured and expensive. Setting out on one’s own might be a more daunting task than in any previous generation. Rob and I pray daily for their provision, protection, wisdom and discretion. We wish we could provide more for our kids in this season and have to trust that they will learn to lean on the Lord as their Sustainer. As we did.

Then this scripture skips across a couple hundred cell towers and into my heart. “He gently leads those that have young.” This isn’t just a promise for the young, but for those who have young. What comfort! My young are no longer within my regular reach. I can’t ground them or correct them or call them out without risk of breaking relationship. I can’t fold them into a hug or wipe away their tears with any immediacy. I’m left on the sidelines to watch and pray. I’m reminded again, how essential these primary parental tasks remain. And I’m prodded to continue on in them as our kids build their adult lives one decision at a time.

Again, parenting pulls me toward to the heart of God. Doesn’t He also watch His children exercise their free will? Isn’t He beside us, whispering instead of shouting as we make choices and build our lives with or without Him? What a significant and costly gift the Father has given: independence is dangerous and powerful. And while we parents watch our young learn to navigate the world as free agents, He sits with us on the sidelines and speaks the comfort we require. Will we listen? Will we follow His loving lead?

Yesterday, I caught a video of Ann Voskamp with a baby lamb. In a sixty second reel, I gaped as the infant grew from a clumsy bundle of wool to a knobby-kneed kid; gangly and independent. It went by in a blink, just as my own child-rear season did. Thank the Lord that He tends to us as shepherds. He gathers us in His arms and holds us close to His heart. And He’s gentle with us that have young.

Lord, please help us navigate new seasons of life. Let us fold our hands in prayer instead of wringing them in worry. We long to hear Your voice amidst our questions and concerns. Sit with us as the wise parent. Lead us according to Your mercy and righteousness. Teach us to love and support the people You have entrusted to us, even if it is from the sidelines of their lives. Amen.

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