From Sin to Sanctification

“But the people grew impatient on the way.” (Numbers 21:4 NIV)

I’ve spent the last few months with the Israelites in the wilderness. Over and over I’ve reveled in their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land as it relates to our journey from sin to complete sanctification. The Israelites words and actions are what my kids would call cringy – they say and do things with little or no regard for God. They forget His past performance record. They complain against Him as if He were a common man.

I have winced so many times alone this journey because I recognize my own impatience, ingratitude, disbelief and misplaced pride. On this long and winding path between slavery and freedom, I get distracted and carnal. Just like the Israelites, I need daily reminders and life rhythms worked into my story to stay on track and honor God all along the way.

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in affliction, be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12 NIV)

Apostle Paul hands us a set of values to stay the course in the wilderness of life. Rejoice with hope – sing if you have to. Recall and repeat God’s great promises. Be patient in affliction – much of life is affliction and that’s okay. We are further refined by trials and tempered by temptation. And keep praying continually. Stay in the conversation with our Creator-Sustainer. It’s hard to grumble about Him when we stay close. Moses exemplifies this for us: regular encounters with God keep us in right relationship with Him.

Lord, we recognize the Israelite’s journey between Egypt and Canaan as our own. With it, se see our tendencies toward sin against You. Prick our hearts. Highlight our trespasses that we can confess, repent and return to right living. Shine bright hope in our hearts again. May our confidence in Your promises cultivate patience and help us keep praying. Communication is critical in sustaining intimacy. Strengthen us in these areas of weakness. We want to follow You all the way through the wilderness and into the Promised Land. Amen.

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