Fear + Joy

“So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy and ran to tell His disciples.” (Matthew 28:8 NIV)

The women encountered an angel and an empty tomb. They were shook: with fear and joy in equal measure.

It’s funny. Last night before we fell asleep I told my husband I was afraid. Fearful about the future. Stepping into a new year is cause for excitement but also anxiety, especially in the wake of a year like 2020. How do we move forward when we are afraid?

This morning I look to these women, women in the long shadow of the blackest Friday heaven and earth have ever known. They witnessed what we’ve only read about and they were ‘afraid yet filled with joy’.

Why were they afraid?

They’d suffered deep loss. Their Messiah-Teacher-Friend had been crucified and buried. The future was unclear. Their remaining leaders were in hiding. What they had been sure about a week ago was suddenly subject to question.

And what filled them with joy?

The reality of their risen Savior. The promise of Jesus going ahead of them. The revelation that the graveyard was not the end of their story.

I think we’re all going to be a little timid, stepping out into 2021. I’ve seen the memes. To be fair, last year kicked our tail. We can relate to the Marys on the way to the tomb, trying to find some closure. But what was true for them two thousand years ago is still true for us. What gave them joy can gives joy! The reality is; Jesus is risen. He’s going out ahead of us; ready to meet us in this brand-new year. The valley of death that we’ve crawled through the past twelve months is not the end of our story.

“Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” He said. They came close to Him, clasped His feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there they will see Me.” (Matthew 28:9 NIV)

The Marys’ fear-filled joy was rewarded with an early sighting of Jesus. They came close. They worshiped Him. Then they got up and followed His instructions; fearlessly going and telling.

What strong directive for us as we push out into 2021! Let’s intentionally turn our fear to joy as we focus on the risen Christ. Let’s draw near and worship Him and then get up, go and tell! Everything that was true then is still true today. The world needs to hear and know the good news of Jesus.

Lord, we’re so grateful that scriptures have a word for every season. We admit our fear and ask You to supernaturally infuse it with joy. We come close and choose to worship amidst what we don’t understand. Please meet with us, O resurrected King. Transform our fear into even stronger faith. Give us the courage to go and tell. Amen.

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