Favorite Places

“The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwellings of Jacob.” (Psalm 87:2 NIV)

God has favorite places. Have you ever thought about it? There are spaces on earth that He prefers and the city of Zion is at the top of His list. Why does He love Jerusalem so much? Because it is original and someday-again the home of His Temple: the ordinary earthly square footage set aside for His personal habitation. The Temple was a dedicated space for sacred meetings and sacrifices. It was a holy abode where common men and women could come and meet with God on a regular basis. And yet, God has allowed His favorite place to be torn down; no stone was left standing. The Temple was dismantled, only the Mount still remains. Where is God’s favorite place now?

The Lord still loves Jerusalem. The Word makes this clear. He still has His eye on His chosen people and their holy land. But I suspect that any space believers set aside for worship is special to Him. Don’t you feel it each and every time you enter a Christian sanctuary?

I’ve visited hundreds of churches on three continents and the holy hush is always the same. I cross the threshold and sense the significance: whether it is concrete block in the Yucatan or hand-hewn marble in Portugal: the sanctuary is special to the heart of God.

An altar in Lisbon beside an altar in Cancun.

God loves to meet with His people. And surprisingly, He is willing to convene with us most anywhere!

I have long set-aside a space in my home for such meetings. These days it’s an antique secretary; an upright chest of drawers with a towering bookshelf and a lid that flips open for writing. We’ve drug this piece to three houses now and it’s my personal sanctuary: the place I meet with God most often. I suspect it’s become a favorite space of God’s as well, simply because it’s a place we have set apart to be together.

My current meeting space in my home.

Where is it that you go and meet with God? Is it a church sanctuary? Is there a dirt lane where you pace and pray? A specific park bench that hosts your most private conversations? Maybe you sit with God on the front porch with coffee in hand, or at the kitchen table in the early hours? Realize today that your place is loved by God, He treasures your time together. The people who make space to meet with Him are blessed by His presence and transformed by their time in His tutelage. God’s favorite spaces are the ones where He meets with His people.

“My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:2 NIV)

Lord, please forgive us for all the times we haven’t prioritized meeting with You. Sometimes we forget what a privilege it is to come close. The cost of divine intimacy was too high for us to pass up the opportunity. Today we realize Your favorite places are still the ones where You meet with Your children. May they become our favorite spaces, too. Let our hearts continually long for Your presence. May we make time and be renewed by our moments with You. Amen.

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