Every Morning

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV)

Right now I am thinking about how God meets me each and every morning with fresh mercy and grace. Though our sweet Sarah just left for college, I am in a good space these days. There are happy things the horizon; an upcoming trip to see friends, a couple ministry conferences, the closing date for the purchase of a home.

It was amidst me expressing gratitude for the happy calendar occurrences that I realized my God is already there. He is already present in the squares that are excitedly circled on my calendar. There are good things on my horizon and my God is already occupying that date and space.

What is remarkable is that the converse is also true! I have lived long enough to know that there are still some painful events scratched into my personal calendar, too. Only I haven’t the foresight to see the coming. They will arrive unbidden, through a phone call or a knock at the door. And even then, God is already there.

He is with us at the heights and in the depths. On the mountain peak and in the valley below. On the best of days and the worst of days. His sovereign self is omnipresent and with us through every bit of it.

I find tremendous comfort in His unblinking with-ness, and what’s more, His extraordinary ability to redeem it all. I’ve crawled through some of the ugliest days and months this world has to offer and God stayed with me every hour on the hour. Somehow, He sorted it all out for Kingdom good.

Whether you are high or low today, if you’ve labeled this calendar square as good or bad: please remember the One who redeems all things is by your side, ready and willing to intervene in your story.

“And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20 NIV)

“And we know that in all things God works or the good of those who love eHim, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

Lord, we are glad that the sun rises and You are already there, ready to meet us with love and mercy and powerful presences. May we find great comfort in Your company and Your unique power to transform all things in Your glory. Give us a grateful and cooperative spirit, on both the good days and the bad. Amen.

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