Every Brilliant Thing

"Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. Every good and perfect give is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." (James 1:16-17 NLT)

Last night, we went to the theater. Honestly, for a Midwest born and raised girl like me, it was pretty thrilling. We gussied up and went downtown to meet friends for a production of the AD Players. As much as I love stage productions, I had no expectations. I knew the name of the play and nothing more, so of course I was intrigued when we walked into an intimate block production, punctuated with burst of color about the room.

The monologue was interactive and amazing. A latino man carefully recalled his childhood; torn through by his mother’s numerous suicide attempts. Remarkably, he created a coping mechanism out of list-making. He set out to write down every brilliant thing in an effort to convince his mother to live.

Never have I ever sat in a theater and felt my bell rung so clearly by the Holy Spirit. Friends, life is brief, difficult, slashed with loss and sorrow, but still, there are gifts to be counted. Ann Voskamp taught me ten years ago to write the gifts down. And this unexpected trip to the theater reminded me again; we fight off the atrophy of living in a fallen world by taking note of every brilliant thing.

So tonight I begin again.

  1. Trips to the theater with long-time friends.
  2. Holy Spirit moments in public places.
  3. Thrifting with my children.
  4. Barbacoa BBQ Nachos from Velvet Taco.
  5. Quilts when you’re cold.
  6. Indigo Girls on blast on the freeway.
  7. Strong coffee.

What about you? What did you find to be brilliant today? What made you stop and wonder? What stirred your imagination? Or did you miss it because life is tough and we are endlessly distracted? Take a few moments now, before you close your eyes and call it a night. Recall the gifts and express gratitude to the Giver.

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:32 NLT)

Lord, please forgive us for failing to see and count the good gifts You continually send our way. Thank You for the loving reminder today. Help us keep counting as we make our way Home to You. Amen.

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