Even More Love

“Jesus replied: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.”” (Matthew 22:37 NLT)

We are returning home and my heart is incredibly full; like an ancient cistern after a heavy rain. I am certain that the experiences and teachings from my week in Israel will sustain my soul for many seasons to come. Though the plane ride is long, we are mostly too tired to talk, each team member tucked away with our individual reflections from our eight days spent attempting to internalize the Promised Land. I suppose it’s in our blood now. We’ve been grafted in as sons and daughters, like every Jew since Abraham. We will forever seek to return to this place of spiritual inheritance.

When we first left on our journey, I could not fathom how dramatically it would expand my heart for God. I assumed as much, but my expectation pales in comparison to the volume increase my heart has experienced. Walking in Jerusalem, understanding the geography, gaining a glimpse of Jewish culture, feeling Promised Land beneath my sandals and holy grit under my fingernails; only now can I begin to grasp the audacity of Christ’s love for us! Before, my love for Him was a large bud, heavy with purpose, but now it is a fragrant magnolia in fullest bloom; precious seeds falling freely from my heart to the ground below.

John Eldridge writes: “Make a practice of loving God… How? Well, how do you love anyone? You delight in them, give your heart over to them. You choose them over other people… Give your heart to God, make Him the treasure of your life.”

Our guide said it over and over again: trade your life for the pearl of great price. I will not go away saddened by the cost like the rich young ruler, but delighted for the opportunity of apprenticeship with the Master.

John Eldridge continues: “Loving God… is the restoration of your existence.” Isn’t that what I learned firsthand at the Church of St Peter’s Primacy? When we let the Lord touch our deepest wounds, even the self-inflicted ones, He heals us. He restores us and our life takes on all-new, sweetened purpose.

“Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it.” (Matthew 13:45-46 NLT)

Dearest Lord, thank You for the journeys that enrich our love for You. Thank You for Your love poured out for us, Your healing ever in hand. May we be willing to trade our ordinary life for extraordinary love. Fill us again and again, O Living Water. We are nothing apart from You. Amen.

One Reply to “Even More Love”

  1. Thank you so much. We have so enjoyed the photo’s you have taken of your travels-just breathtaking. This is just a glimpse for us but things we have never experienced before. Thank you for providing this for us. PTL!

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