
“Teach is to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 NIV)

We are beginning another day here in God’s country and honestly, it feels entirely too hurried, too rushed. There is much to see and learn, I am a pilgrim feasting. Yet mind and soul can only absorb so much in eight short days. I want to come back. Rob and I have both whispered it in the corners of our days here, “Next time.” We both know this trip has only whet our appetite for more of the rich history only found here.

I imagine this is how the disciples felt, wringing their hands in grief over the three, too-short years they got with their Messiah. They probably weren’t satisfied with the gift their Savior had given them either. Isn’t this the mantra of fallen man? “Never enough!” is the chorus we cling to. Yet our Lord knows just what we need, just the precise time, experiences and teaching that will send our souls singing all the way into eternity.

“Jesus knew that the Father had our all things under His power, and that He has come from God and was returning to God.” (John 13:3 NIV)

When we understand who Christ was, and who we are in Him, when we believe that life is ordered and brief, we can make the most of our existence. Whether we are in Israel or Iowa, we can see our days as intentional investments and wield them with eternal care. The truth is, God is sovereign and He has gifted us with just enough time and just enough teaching for the ministry at hand. We do well when we trust the process and remain grateful for every opportunity to acquire wisdom and edify others.

Lord, thank You for the gift of enough. We are grateful for every experience You sovereignly send our way. Thank You for entrusting us with Your good gospel. May we steward it well all the days of our life. Amen.

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