Enlarged in Waiting

“All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.” (Romans 8:22-25 MSG)

Rob motioned it in prayer at the close of our ‘Between Two Gardens’ message last night; how it’s okay to wait. Waiting is even good because our hope grows when we hold still. I wanted to open my eyes and look around the room, to catalogue how such wild truth might hit our teenagers. Waiting is good for the soul. Would they believe it? All they know is our hurry-up, have-it-now, credit-same-as-cash culture. How confident could they be that waiting is ok, even character producing?

Today’s scripture catches me off guard; waiting does not diminish. We aren’t made small in silent stretches of still. We are instead, concentrated. Condensed. If we are waiting with faith, we grow more focused, even more confident of the inevitable joy to come! As a pregnant momma’s months gather, she only grows more certain of the baby burgeoning in her belly. So our hope in Christ’s return can be; the joyful anticipation of a Second Garden story.

I caught a few minutes of the world news last night; Israel’s rumored to be developing anti-missile tech that is well off the map of anything we have seen before. God’s people are preparing. The earth is buckling under the weight of sin. We see it in video montages; earthquakes, famines, fires, wars and rumors of wars. We can be downtrodden, discouraged and fearful or we can be certain that the Garden will come down one day soon, that every promise in the Good Book will come to pass.

“The longer we wait… the more joyful our expectancy.” (Romans 8:25 MSG)

I don’t know about you, but I’m there. Joyful at the thought of Christ’s return, ready to occupy the restored Garden of Eden again. Eager to live free from pain, free from tears, from sorrow and the heavy burdens of disappointment. Ready to belong, to be loved, to live in the bright center of God’s love forever and ever.

“Then the Angel showed me the Water-of-Life River, crystal bright. It flowed from the throne of God and the Lamb, right down the middle of the street. The tree of Life was planted on each side of the River, producing twelve kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit each month. The leaves of the tree are for healing of the nations. Never again will anything be cursed. The throne of God and the Lamb is at the center. His servants will offer God service – worshipping, they’ll look on His face, their foreheads mirroring God. Never again will there be any night. No one will need a lamplight or sunlight. The shining of God, the Master, is all the light anyone needs. And they will run with Him age after age.” (Revelation 22:1-5 MSG)

The trumpet will blow. Jesus welcome and our return to Eden will be imminent. We’ll walk in the Garden again; lit and lovely in His presence. Well-watered by His Word. Healed and whole. Mirroring His image as we were always intended and finally fully fit to rule the way He originally designed.

Lord, please enlarge our expectation as we wait. May months or years not diminish our desire, but gather our fervency as we look to Your future. We see the signs all around. Guard our hearts from fear and instead, fill us with hope as we focus on You. Amen.

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