Enemy Pursuit

“He pursued the woman…” (Revelation 12:13 NIV)

The twelfth chapter of Revelations is a prophetic passage and a visual feast: a woman with a crown of stars writhing in labor as a terrible dragon enters the scene. This particular scripture seems to be about Eve (giving birth to humanity) and/or Mary (giving birth to the Savior). Whomever the woman, we can clearly identify Satan’s specific hatred toward her and her offspring.

I have felt pursued. Have you not? Even though I have been a believer for decades, I still wake up in the morning and the worry seeps in, the accusations and the insinuations are still a constant assault. I feel the pursuit of the enemy with a vengeance that feels personal.

Deadly sharks on the prowl at the Houston Aquarium.

“Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring – those who keep God’s commands and hold fast to their testimony about Jesus.” (Revelation 12:17 NIV)

We begin to lose when we forget we are in a war. Lies are mistaken as truths. Propaganda fills our minds and bends our wills. We wind up unintentionally cooperating and agreeing with the agenda of the enemy. We rarely realize we are losing until we are so far gone it feels impossible to win a single battle, let alone the war for our souls.

Revelation offers us strategy. We win by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We bring our transgressions under the shed blood of Jesus and we boldy share the freedom we’ve found in Him. Praise pushes the enemy back; our veneration of Jesus is agony to Satan’s ears. Additionally, we throw a lifeline to those around us by making the atonement of Jesus available and known.

“They triumphed by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” (Revelation 11:11 NIV)

Lord, today we clearly recognize the pursuit of the enemy. Our gratitude for Your intervention is renewed and reveled in all over again. Help us rightly appreciate the power in Your blood and share our story often and with conviction. We will overcome as we cling to You! Amen.

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